Send Sinpe Móvil to other CiNKO users in 44 countries!

With Sinpe Móvil, CiNKO empowers its customers in Costa Rica to send USD to friends & family in Latin America and the Caribbean, quicky and safely. As simple as sending an SMS!

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Learn how easy it is to get started with CiNKO using Sinpe Móvil!

Watch this video to see how easy it is for you and your family to send and receive money quickly and securely.

  • Select Add from the home screen
  • Select Sinpe Móvil
  • Read the text and press continue
  • Enter and confirm the amount
  • Copy and share the transfer details
  • It's that easy. As simple as sending a text message.

Follow the short steps to get your Sinpe Móvil to any CiNKO wallet.